Friday, May 16, 2008


I've been in a post funk lately. Haven't really had anything to write about, so I'll send some links out to the blog world and let you know of some of the peeps I visit on a daily basis.

Flibbie- go here, this is what I've been up to.

My super cool sis- I love to hear what's she's doing, and making. Go here for awesome vinyl ideas.

Pioneer Woman- This lady cracks me up and I LIVE for her posts.

Crazy Lady- She is incredible.

Jing- What an Woman. I grew up with this gal in "small town" Idaho.

Farm Chicks- I'll be there on June 7.

Ed Week- I'm going here too. I can't wait!

These three sisters- so funny.

And the rest of you, Meeyatch and I check everyday, or every hour. We love to keep in contact with friends and people we've grown to love. If I didn't include you on my list- don't worry. We have like 40 websites on our list and we love to "stalk". Keep up the good work, I'll be watching.


Kris said...

The Farm Chicks link is awesome. Thanks for sharing! I've been on a blog funk lately too!

Jan said...

I love that pioneer woman Lee.. She is so awesome and has the best giveaways ever..

Ed was talking on the phone last night when we were doing yard work. I asked him who he was talking too and he said his girlfriend.. Yep-I knew it was you

Hokie Family said...

Just wanted to say hi.

Sarah said...

I second the blog funk. I don't know what it is, maybe it's the nice weather, or my huge to-do list. Cool links though. I love the Pioneer Woman, and those pictures on Libbie's blog of you picture ladies were a hoot.