Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wake up laughing

I had a Super Day yesterday. First Marilyn invited me to "Hairspray". If you have not seen this, you are seriously going to miss the newest musical to rock the nation. I loved it. After the movie I was ready to write a roadshow, so look out first ward.

So I scored some tickets to Martina Mcbride (country singer) concert at the Toyota center last night. Mitch didn't want to go (he thinks she screams), Sarah did. We had such a good time.

We were sporting our YMCA Soccer tee-shirts (we had to wear them, because of the free tickets), and set off. Got to the doors and they turned us away because of my camera. Apparently you can't take any camera with "zoom". And since Mitch bought this huge camera with fantastic zoom, I had to walk all the way back to the truck and put it away (secretly I saw a billion people with ZOOM cameras). So Sarah and I snapped some pics with our cell phones. Uh, not so great. The concert was rockin. Martina sang almost all her hits and kept us chuckling between songs. I loved when she sang some old Loretta Lynn songs. I noticed some themes: she definitely uses the word "concrete" in 75 percent of her songs, and she's all about girl power. What a show. With a country concert comes interesting people, we saw plenty of "county fair goers", fist pumpers, and business in the front party in the back. We applauded at the end and got her to come out and sing 2 more songs. She sang Don't stop believing (Journey), and Hit me with your best shot (Pat Benetar). It was great.

After the show, we headed home smiling and chatting. I was on the 240 when a stater pulled us over.

"Ma'am, do you know why I pulled you over?"

"actually no, I wasn't speeding (I was going 5 under because me and Sarah were talking so much I wasn't paying attention).

"have you been drinking?"


"You have a tail-light out"

"Oh. This is my husbands pick-up."

Long silence as he is checking my license and registration-which i handed him the registration for our utility trailer. Mitch says I can never stand the silence and have to talk.

"...uh, we just got back from a concert tonight, Martina Mcbride at the Toyota Center, you'll probably see a lot of traffic from there since it just got out...."

"Oh yeah, well just tell your husband to get that fixed"

"Thanks officer, have a good night"

I'm a retard. But I got Sarah home safely-with no alcohol consumption.

Thanks Marilyn for suggesting the movie.

Thanks YMCA and Rena for the tickets.

Thanks Sarah for the going with me.

and Thanks to Mitch for letting me have a huge day off!

PS- stay tuned for the button explanation check Marilyns blog, she's going to write it. Since every time i have to tell the story, I wanna puke.


Sarah said...

Fist Pumpers rock! That's seriously my new favorite way to show that I love something. Last night was so much fun and Martina is the "VOICE"! What a gift she has, it gave me chills just telling Riley about her closing out with Independance Day. Her voice just doesn't quit. Anywho, bummer we couldn't get pictures, but next time maybe we can outsmart them somehow.

tharker said...

Hairspray, Martina, fist pumpers, fair goers, mullets, and the state police...whew what an awesome day!

Marilyn said...

Nan, you really are a great story teller and I only hope I can relay your disgust of buttons as well as you wrote this post.

So glad you had an awesome day off, and had fun at the concert with Sarah!

Heather said...

I wanted to go to that concert so bad.... glad you could enjoy it!

Kris said...

That sounds like so much fun! I wanted to go to that concert so bad. Since it's the week of Scout Camp, it was out! But I'm so glad that you had such a great time! I love Martina and think she is the BOMB!

Sarah didn't tell me about the cop pulling you over. What's up with the cops getting the Mathews Family lately??!

Ok, seriously excited for the Roadshow to be put on by our new Ward Activity Director! You'll do so great!!

libbie said...

Fun Stuff! I love Martina! And I am axious to read about the buttons!

The Garden Maiden said...

You described it all so well I felt like I was there, even the stater experience.

Mitchellaus Copernicus said...

I wish I was a cop just so I could invent the most hairball line of questions: "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over? Have you been drinking? Did you know your hair-piece is crooked? Are you going to call your mother and apologize for being a brat at the grocery store when you were younger? Is your left eye lower than your right eye? Does this gun holster make me look fat?" What is up with those guys? Do they have a class at the academy called, "Retarded Questions 101"? And is it a pre-requisite for the class, "Insulting Questions 201?" Who hasn't heard this before? "I'm looking for an eight-sided sign. It's got a white stripe around the edge? It's red, got a four letter word on it? You didn't happen to see one around here did you?" Just once, I would love to hear this when I get pulled over, "Good afternoon sir. I know you're most likely a lot smarter than me, even though I carry a gun on my job, so I'll cut to the point. I pulled you over for following too closely. I'm going to give you a ticket, and I'm not going to sit in my car and take my time just to make you squirm. Be back in a flash." Yeah, like that'll happen.

Kris said...

Mitch, your comments crack me up. You'd be the best cop out there!!

dandee said...

Nan, I'm so glad you had a fun time! I can imagine you and Sarah rockin out to Martina with the "fist pumpers". {new favorite people descriptor}

Tiffani, your comment cracked me up!

Yours too Mitch, but what's new?

hatch said...

It sounds like a great day.

Mitch have you ever seriously thought about a career in law enforcement? I think you would be great.

Alicia Leppert said...

Nancie, great post. I have NEVER heard that description of a mullet and I am going to try to fit it into every conversation from now on. I didn't even know what you were referring to til Tiffani said "mullets" and then I about wet my pants laughing. Classic.