Friday, June 6, 2008

The Graduate

Today My Cam-Dog Graduates.
What a Big Boy. Gotta Love Him.


libbie said...

congratulations cam-dog! such a big boy!

Alicia Leppert said...

How exciting! Payson graduates from 2 a Week preschool. See ya tonight? (I'm assuming it's all one graduation.)

Debie Spurgeon said...

I can't believe it! Really.

Does this mean we can now officially call our little boys Kindergarteners? (sob, sob)

Kris said...

How exciting. Kindergarten is just around the corner. Hooray!

Amy J. said...

I have decided that everyone is growing up way too fast!
Look what a big boy he has become and I couldn't believe how big Jack had gotten last time I saw him!

Jan said...

He looks like a King. Way to go..
Keep going through school Mr. King, cause you don't want to do what daddy did and work at Burger King. Joking Mitch.

dandee said...

What a big day! Happy summer Cam! Kindergarten will be here before you know it!

Lisa Christine said...


Closed for Business said...

He is growing up too fast! I love Wednesday's by the way.