I'm going to cut to the chase...
I do NOT want Planned Parenthood in my neighborhood, and 60 feet away from my children's elementary school.
This was the issue last night at the city hall planning committee meeting. Kim and I went to support those against it. But I didn't realize it was going to be such a HOT issue.
Please hop over to KIMS blog to read all about it. However I did something I thought I'd NEVER do and that is raise my hand and voice my opinion. I walked calmly up to the podium (Brady in my arms), state my name and address for the record, and with my voice quivering told everyone how I felt. For me that was the scariest thing I've done EVER. Scarier than getting on my 2 year old unbroke arabian horse for the first time. Scarrier than bearing your testimony in stake conference. Scarrier than having an emergency c-section. I kept to the point: that my children attend the elementary school and I was already worried about the saftey of them walking across Court street, and I didn't want the added danger of a conterversial business being right next door. I also said there are plenty of buildings in Pasco to utilize and they didn't need to be in the one next to this school and my neighborhood. I urged the council to vote against the permit and said thank you and sat down.
Mom you would've been proud.
Afterward I felt so empowered! I was on a high, I wanted to go fight some more fights, run a million miles, or scream from the top of my lungs! Kim and I settled for a diet Dr. Pepper at my house venting to Mitch. It was a great night.
As for the permit. We won't know for another month. I'll keep you updated. Pray for us, that this horrible "non-profit" business will not win over the hearts of the people who make these important decisions.